Setup for numerical experiments The horizontal cell sizes of mantle convection induced by the effect of continental plates Governing equations Numerical calculations (1)-temperature and stream function

The table shows the parameter values used in the numerical experiments.

In many studies of mantle convection, the Prandtl number is assumed to be infinite since the viscosity is much larger than the thermal diffusivity. Accordingly, the kinematic viscosity of the upper mantle is estimated to be 0.5 x 1018 m2 sec-1, and that of the lower mantle to be 2 x 1018 m2 sec-1 (e.g. Honda 1997). In this study, we fixed the Prandtl number to 10 in order to take into account the large kinematic viscosity of the mantle.

The Rayleigh numbers are varied from 104 to 106. The appropriate value of the Rayleigh number is estimated to be 105-106 for upper mantle convection, and 106-107 for whole-mantle convection (Jarvis and Peltier, 1989, Honda 1997).

The horizontal size of the plate is varied from 4 to 6, but the plate thickness is fixed to 0.1. This corresponds to a plate of 290 km thickness in the case of whole-mantle convection, and of 67 km thickness for upper mantle convection.

The initial conditions are those of zero velocity throughout the model domain motion and a conductive thermal regime corresponding to a localized warm disturbance.

We perform our calculations using a grid comprising 960 nodes in the x(horizontal) direction and 80 in the z(vertical) direction. A 4th-order Runge-Kutta scheme is employed for the time integration. We use the Arakawa Jacobian scheme for finite differentiation of the nonlinear terms and the relaxation method is used to compute the stream function from vorticity.

Parameter Value(s) used in numerical experiments
Prandtl number Pr 10
Rayleigh number Ra 104, 105, 106
Thickness of plate d 0.1
Horizontal sizes of plate L 4, 5, 6

Table : Parameter values for numerical experiments.

Setup for numerical experiments The horizontal cell sizes of mantle convection induced by the effect of continental plates Governing equations and boundary conditions Numerical calculations (1) -temperature and stream function