A.b.i. Subgrid turbulent mixing parameterization
The turbulent diffusion coefficient is evaluated by
using turbulent kinetic energy
following Klemp and Wilhelmson
(1978). The turbulent diffusion coefficient for heat is equal to
that for momentum. The turbulence parameterization scheme presented
by Klemp and Wilhelmson (1978)
succeeds in representing subgrid-scale turbulent mixing in numerical
simulation of cumulus convection in the terrestrial atmosphere. We
suggest that the turbulence parameterization is applicable for the
turbulent mixing of the Martian atmosphere.
(A.9) |
(A.10) |
are generation terms of the turbulent kinetic energy associated with
buoyancy force and wind shear, respectively.
is the mixing length, which is the smaller values of either vertical grid interval
or altitude.
The last term on the right hand side of Equation
(A.9) represents the dissipation rate
of turbulent kinetic energy.
By using this term, is given as follows.
(A.13) |