Results 3, Roll Structure, Top-View Animation

Now we investigate the vorticity and velocity structures of the plumes for several experiments in the 2-D regime by visualizing these quantities. The motivation is to know whether or not the all 2-D regimes are characterized by the hetons, which are quasi-stable vortex pairs. We will show two interesting structures, which are likely to be different from hetons. The first structure is roll structure observed in the experiment denoted by the blue circle in Fig. 2, and the second structure is the mushroom structure observed in the experiment denoted by the blue triangle in Fig. 2.

The iso-surface of three-dimensional vorticities, , for the roll structure viewed from the top of the model domain is shown in Fig. 4, where is the vorticity and the subscripts indicate the three components of the coordinates. In order to get some idea for the direction of the rotation, the red (blue) color is used for the iso-surface with the positive (negative) . In short, the positive constant value of the three-dimensional vorticities is visualized, but is colored in red and blue according to the sign of the vertical component of the vorticity.

The blue colors, which indicate anticyclonic circulation in vertical direction, forms roll structure, whose length is of the order of kilometers. The cyclonic circulations shown by red color generally appear as oval-shape of the order of hundreds of meters. The cyclonic ovals are sometimes elongated, but their length seldom exceeds 2 km. For the temporal evolutions of the roll structure, an anticyclonic roll is often connected to another roll, and one roll breaks up into two. The view from the bottom (not shown) is almost identical to the view from the top, indicating that the rolls and ovals do not overlap in the vertical direction. The structure shown in Fig. 4 is apparently different from the conventional hetons (Fig. A1), which are characterized by the vortex pairs at the top and bottom of the fluid.

Figure 4. Animation of the vorticity surface viewed from the top of the model domain for the experiment shown by the blue circle in Fig. 2. The surfaces of an amplitude of 2.5*10-4s-1 for the three-dimensional vorticity are visualized. The red color indicates that the vertical component of the vorticity is positive, while the blue color indicates that the vertical component is negative. The maximal value of the three-dimensional vorticity with the positive vertical vorticity is 6.4*10-4s-1, and the maximal value with the negative vertical vorticity is 4.2*10-4s-1. The parameters for this experiment are heat flux of 800 Wm-2,=2.0*10-4s-1, and =3.0 m2s-1, and hence =2.2*10-1and =1.5*104.