4. Results: Dusty Case up previous next
4.c. Circulation Structure of Convection

Figure 13 shows the circulation structure of thermal convection for day 6 of the dusty case (see Appendix D for results of a shorter output time interval). The convective cells have vertical and horizontal scales of about 5 km and 2 to 3 km, respectively. Thermal convection realized under dusty conditions is kilometer in size, which is the same for dust-free conditions. Potential temperature deviation associated with convective plumes is 1 to 2 K, which is smaller than that of the dust-free case (Figure 4 (left upper)).

The magnitude of vertical wind velocity is 10 to 15 m sec-1, and that of horizontal wind velocity is about 10 m sec-1. These values are smaller than those at similar time periods of the dust-free case (Figure 4 (right panel)). The ratio of updraft width to downdraft width, convective plume migration, and the method of mixing due to convective plumes are similar to those observed in the dust-free case.

As previously stated, the magnitude of wind velocity is small compared to that of the dust-free case. This is due to a decrease of convection layer thickness and a decrease in the potential temperature deviation of convective plumes. Since the length of free acceleration decreases as convective layer thickness decreases, kinetic energy generation due to buoyancy force decreases. Since the depth of convection layer and potential temperature deviation of convective plumes are about one half of those in the dust-free case, the magnitude of wind velocity estimated by Equation (1) is also one half of that of the dust-free case (about 10 m sec-1). The deviation of potential temperature associated with convective plumes can be estimated by using Equation (5); the details are shown in Section 4.c.i.

Figure 13: Development of convective fields for day 6 of the dusty case. Hourly data are shown for each hour during 10:00 to 18:00 LT. (Upper left) Potential temperature deviation from the horizontal mean. (Lower left) Turbulent diffusion coefficient. Areas with values larger than 1.0×10-5 m2 sec-1 are colored. (Upper right) Vertical wind velocity. (Lower right) Horizontal wind velocity. Contour interval for panels plotting wind is 5 m sec-1. Note that color schemes for potential temperature and wind velocity are different from those of Figure 4. In Appendix D, data produced with an output time interval of 2 minutes are also shown.

A numerical simulation of thermal convection in the Martian lower atmosphere with a two-dimensional anelastic model
Odaka, Nakajima, Ishiwatari, Hayashi,   Nagare Multimedia 2001
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