Appendix A. Brief review of wave-CISK | [prev] [index] [next] |
An important character of the cloud convection in the earth's atmosphere, which has not been examined in the previous subsections, is an asymmetry of the relationship between condensation heating and vertical motion. Positive heating occurs as condensation heating in the upward motion, i.e., positive vertical wind, while negative heating does not usually occur in the downward motion, i.e., negative vertical wind, except for the cloud areas. Negative heating shall result from evaporation of condensate, i.e., cloud particles or raindrops, which are rapidly removed by the precipitation processes and are usually absent in the area of downward motion in the free atmosphere, except for cloud inside.
As a simple model of this asymmetric characteristic around the upward motion of the moist atmosphere, there is a formulation that heating occurs only when upward motion w is positive in (A.6), the evaluation of heating in the condensation term of heat equation (e.g., Miyahara, 1987, Lau and Peng, 1987, Yoshizaki, 1991). The nonlinearity which results from the switching of heating depending on the signature of vertical motion remains even in the limit of infinitesimal amplitude, the behavior of solutions in the physical space can not be described as a superposition of the behavior of individual modes in wavenumber space; the solution of initial value problem is the only way to explore the behavior of disturbances. In the following, we are going to present some solutions of initial value problems, as an example, that demonstrate effects of this nonlinearity.
Fig.A.6 and the movies linked to each panel show example results of wave-CISK solutions obtained from (A.1)-(A.5) with a heating profile suitable for propagating growing disturbances (η1=1.5, n2=-1.5) from the same initial value that is a circular positive temperature anomaly placed at the equator of a motionless atmosphere.
Fig.A.6(left) shows the case for symmetric heat generation for upward motion, i.e., (A.6) is adopted as condensation heating representation, resulting heating for upward motion and cooling for downward motion. Growing disturbances develop as wave packets propagating both in the east- and westward directions. This can be interpreted by decomposing the initial disturbance into equatorial wave modes; for the present initial disturbance, the major wave packets are an eastward wave packet with Kelvin wave like structure and a westward wave packet with gravity wave like structure. They are growing while dispersively propagating. Nnote that, althogh a free Kelvin wave is non-dispersive, a Kelvin wave packet with wave-CISK feedback is more or less dispersive. The vertical structures of those wave packets show that there are phase difference between the upper high pressure and the lower low pressure, which is a characteristics of unstable disturbance discussed in subsection A.2; we can observe westward phase shift for the Kelvin wave packet and eastward phase shift for the westward gravity wave packet as the increase of altitude.
Fig.A.6(middle) shows the case for asymmetric heat generation for upward motion, i.e., (A.6) is modified to have (only positive) condensation heating only for upward motion. An intereting feature is that the westward propagating wave packet becomes gradually less visible, while the eastward propagating wave packet grows as a one-signed solitary disturbance with upward motion and condensation heating. These features are caused by the fact that, among the equatorial free waves, only a Kelvin wave is non-dispersive and can keep a one-signed solitary shape. And the numerical result indicates that there actually is an one-signed solitary unstable solution driven by heating which is generated by upward motion associated with an original wave whose shape is homothetic to the solution itself. Contrary to the case for symmetric wave-CISK feedback, the Kelvin wave packet for asymmetric wave-CISK feedback is non-dispersive in this sense. For dispersive free waves, there inevitably appear both of the regions of upward and downward motion, and because of the appearance of asymmetric heating, wave packet cannot keep its shape.
The result of asymmetric appearance of growing wave packet between eastward and westward directions is caused by rotation of the planet. Actually, when we remove the effect of rotation by setting rotation rate to be zero, the case for asymmetric heating generation also presents isotropic propagation of growing waves, in the same way for both eastward and westward, and even northward and southward, from an initial disturbance as indicated Fig.A.6(right). This is because, under the assumption of non-rotating and hydrostatic atmosphere, gravity waves are non-dispersive horizontally.
As is described above, an unstable disturbance caused by the wave-CISK feedback which is asymmetric between upward and downward motion appears as a solitary region of upward motion moving coherently eastward. The interesting point is that these characteristics are quite similar to the features of equatorial precipitation activity obtained in the results of present GCM experiment, especially, the results with Kuo scheme as cumulus parameterization. However, we have to note that, in our GCM, there are additional effects, which we have not considered in the simple system here, for instance, moisture budget, sea surface process, effect of radiation, break down of proportionality between heating and upward motion, and change of basic field due to growth of a disturbance.
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