Measurement of Friction Coefficient on a Powder Layer and Fluid Dynamic Study

Figures, tables and movies list

Fig. 1 View of Debris avalanche of Mt. St. Helens at 8:32 AM on 18 May 1980.
Fig. 2 Structure of debris-avalanche deposit of Mt. St. Helens.
Fig. 3 Overview of the experimental apparatus.
Fig. 4 Track A  near the  catapult.
Fig. 5 Track B in midway of the whole of track.
Fig. 6 Track C at the end of the track.
Fig. 7 Example of the disk velocity on the flour layer versus time elapsed from shooting.
Fig. 8 Example of the disk velocity without the flour layer versus time elapsed from shooting.
Fig. 9 Range in which friction coefficient was obtained.
Fig. 10 Friction coefficient versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 11 Speed at which the state of sliding change from Phase B to C.
Fig. 12 Speed at which the state of sliding change from Phase B to C versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 13  Preparation of the cross section. Line a, b and c show the position of the cross section of Fig. 14.
Fig. 14 Cross sections of the powder layer.
Fig. 15 Distance between the top of the disk and a surface of the track board.
Fig. 16 Friction coefficient versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 17 Friction coefficient versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 18 Velocity of the disk versus time elapsed since disk was shot.
Fig. 19 Friction coefficient versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 20 Friction coefficient versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 21 Friction coefficient versus basal pressure of disk.
Fig. 22 Schema of  a floating critical speed.
Fig. 23 Schema of  Newtonian lifting force model.
Fig. 24 Schema of  dynamic pressure model.
Fig. 25 Theoretical and experimental values of the floating critical speed.
Appendix Fig. 1 A magnified image of flour used in experiments.
Appendix Fig. 2 A magnified image of violet dogtooth starch used in experiments.
Appendix Fig. 3 A magnified image of silica sand used in experiments.
Appendix Fig. 4 The base part of the disk. Four base parts were made.
Appendix Fig. 5 The catapult.
Appendix Fig. 6 The sieve machine.
Appendix Fig. 7 The track board.
Appendix Fig. 8 The laser displacement sensor.
Table 1 List of experiment condition.
Table 2 List of experiment condition and friction coefficient.
Appendix Table 1 Relation between the basal state of the disk and clinging of powder.
Appendix Table 2 List of disks 140 mm in diameter.
Appendix Table 3 List of disks 100 mm in diameter.
Movie 1 Overview of the experiment.
Movie 2 Disk sliding on the flour layer.
Movie 3 Trace left in the powder layer; showing boundary of Trace A- B and B-C.
Movie 4 Press state of the flour layer.
Movie 5 Sliding on the dogtooth violet starch layer.
Movie 6 Sliding on the silica sand layer.
Movie 7 Sliding of the disk having a smooth metal surface as the base.
Appendix Movie 1 The state of shot.